Resources / Improving Customer Experience

Create a Customer Experience Strategy

Wed, November 17, 2021

A CX strategy is a combination of defined plans, guidelines and actions that lays the groundwork for a customer experience your target audience will enjoy and remember. It’s here that all of the customer insights, analysis and future goals are clearly visualised and planned out, helping anyone that uses it have a clear direction on what to do and why.

As the customer journey can cover all aspects of your business, from using your website, speaking to representatives on the phone, and making enquiries and purchases, many different departments will play their part.
This means keeping customers happy and satisfied is vital.

32% of customers stop doing business with a brand, even one they love, after only one bad experience ii

Ensuring the whole business is working from the same strategy together will ensure this is minimalised and your customer experience model gets results. It’s easier than ever for customers to choose your competitors if they are unhappy – a defined customer experience strategy will work out what needs to be done to please your target market and provide a flawless journey for them to navigate.

How to Create a Customer Experience Strategy

Deciding to have a strategy in place is one thing, creating one that works is another, which is why at Ventrica we have the experts in place to do so and make this step as simple as possible. You want to create a strong bond between your brand and your customers, so this is what needs to be kept in mind when developing your strategy.

There are some simple customer experience guidelines your brand will need to consider:

Be Customer Centric
Your company culture should live and breathe the customer experience. Having this mindset will ensure your strategy stays on course and your customers are treated exactly how you would want to be. A key part of developing a better customer experience is having this instilled throughout the business, from those in leadership down to the rest of the team.

Having everyone buy into this no matter their role or position is important, so your strategy should involve plans on how to achieve this, such as ongoing training for both new and established staff or defining clear company values.

Use Customer Feedback
If your business doesn’t know what its customers really think, defining how to improve the experience for them is an impossible task. Receiving feedback and analysis of this data should be a core part of your customer experience strategy.

There are various innovative ways to do this through CX software development that will make it easy to collate, review and analyse the details as well as communicate with your customers.

Identify Friction Points
Identifying exactly what is preventing customers from having the best experience with your business will go a long way to developing defining your strategy. You may have personal experience of poor customer service, so listening to feedback and reducing the issues customers have through your CX will work wonders.

With 63% of customers saying the best brands exceed expectations across the customer journey iii , identifying friction points and planning improvements through your strategy is key.

Discover the Ventrica Approach

We’re ready to help your brand develop an omnichannel winning strategy, built on clearly defined CX goals from detailed customer insights.

Let’s talk about your customer experience strategy >

i Source | ii Source | iii Source

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