Start using AI to improve customer experience

Keen to explore Conversational Commerce? Maybe you’d like to automate manual contact centre processes?

We can help!

Once our team of CX Consultants have scoped and designed appropriate solutions around the needs and expectations of your customers and stakeholders, our Software Developers will build, configure and maintain the tools you need to achieve your CX goals.

Our CX software developers are:

  • Technology agnostic, skilled in developing a wide range of tools
  • Certified to build and customise popular CX tools, such as Zendesk
  • Experienced in agile, waterfall and other software delivery methodologies
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Start using AI to improve customer experience

Common CX solutions we provide


Robotic Process Automation (RPA)


Conversational Commerce


Customer Experience Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Bots


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)


Omnichannel Case Management and Ticketing Systems

Our approach to CX software

We work in transparent, collaborative partnerships with our clients to deliver effective solutions that are built around the needs of their customers and their businesses.

With over 10 years of experience working with the world’s leading brands, our team can confidently build effective omnichannel CX solutions to help you achieve your CX transformation goals. Our approach broadly follows 3 simple steps:

Our CX Consultants will work with you to:

  • Scope your requirements
  • Set key objectives
  • Define customer needs and journeys
  • Understand legacy technology dependencies
  • Form a solution delivery plan

  • Configure suitable off-the-shelf solutions
  • Integrate third-party systems & APIs
  • Build real-time reporting tools
  • Develop custom solutions where needed
  • Continuously deliver incremental improvements

  • Bespoke training sessions
  • Best practice guidance and usage guide
  • Updated training plan as improvements rolled out
Kick-start your CX transformation programme today
Journey mapping